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Several authorities are responsible for the implementation of the Programme. Tasks provided under the Knowledge Education Development Programme are divided between Managing Authority and Intermediate Body. Each of these authorities has different responsibilities, tasks and competences.

Managing Authority

The Managing Authority – which is included in the Ministry of Economic Development organisational structure – is responsible for managing the Programme. It is responsible for efficient and correct implementation of a given programme as a whole and at the level of individual projects. It also issues guidelines, recommendations and handbooks focusing on different aspects related to the implementation of the programme and carries out promotional and information activities.

The Managing Authority has very broad competences – from developing the Programme itself, through the selection of projects for co-financing, ordering payments to be made to beneficiaries and verifying the regularity of beneficiaries’ expenditure, to monitoring the progress in the implementation of the programme and assessing the level of achievement of relevant objectives.

The Managing Authority’s general responsibility for appropriate management of the programme is related to the requirement of certification of expenditure incurred by the beneficiaries, i.e. the need to confirm the regularity of such expenditure and its compliance with national and EU law before the European Commission. 

Managing Authority establish specific rules for the Programme, in particular it is responsible for:

  • ensuring that projects are implemented correctly, using an appropriate Fund,
  • developing procedures and criteria for the selection of projects and verifying whether the co-financed projects fulfil the relevant requirements and whether the expenditure declared by the beneficiaries was implemented and paid appropriately,
  • assessing and monitoring the progress in the implementation of the programme,
  • certifying the expenditure incurred by the beneficiaries, i.e. confirming the regularity of such expenditure and its compliance with national and EU law before the European Commission,
  • supporting and organising the work of the Programme’s Monitoring Committee.

Contact details to the Managing Authority:

Ministry of Economic Development
Departament Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego (Eng. Department of European Social Fund)
address: ul. Wspólna 2/4, 00-926 Warsaw (POLAND)
Tel.: (+48) 22 273 80 50
Fax: (+48) 22 273 89 19

Intermediate Bodies

The Managing Authority may delegate a portion of its tasks to Intermediate Bodies. By creating such Intermediate Bodies, the Managing Authority transfers a portion of its tasks and the responsibility for their implementation to such bodies, but it still remains responsible for the whole programme.

The scope of responsibility of Intermediate Bodies is established by way of agreement. An Intermediate Body is competent inter alia to:

  • prepare and carry out the call for proposals and to select appropriate projects,
  • conclude contracts on project co-financing
  • ensure correct and prompt settlement of projects.

Contact details to Intermediate Bodies:

 Axis I - Young people on the labour market:

  1. Ministerstwo Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Eng. Ministry of Labour and Social Policy)
    address: ul. Nowogrodzka 1/3/5, 00‐513 Warsaw (POLAND)
  2. Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy (Eng. Voivodeship Labour Office), Wałbrzych
    Wrocław Branch
    address: ul. Armii Krajowej 54, 50-541 Wrocław (POLAND)
  3. Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy (Eng. Voivodeship Labour Office), Toruń
    address: ul. Szosa Chełmińska 30/32, 87-100 Toruń (POLAND)
  4. Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy (Eng. Voivodeship Labour Office), Lublin
    address: ul. Niecała 14, 20-080 Lublin (POLAND)
  5. Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy (Eng. Voivodeship Labour Office), Zielona Góra
    address: ul. Wyspiańskiego 15, 65-036 Zielona Góra (POLAND)
  6. Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy (Eng. Voivodeship Labour Office), Łódź
    address: ul. Wólczańska 49, 90–608 Łódź (POLAND)
  7. Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy (Eng. Voivodeship Labour Office), Kraków
    address: Pl. Na Stawach 1, 30-107 Kraków (POLAND)
  8. Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy (Eng. Voivodeship Labour Office), Warsaw
    address: ul. Młynarska 16, 01-205 Warszawa (POLAND)
  9. Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy (Eng. Voivodeship Labour Office), Opole
    address: ul. Głogowska 25, 45-315 Opole (POLAND)
  10. Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy (Eng. Voivodeship Labour Office), Rzeszów
    ul. Lisa Kuli 20, 35-025 Rzeszów (POLAND)
  11. Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy (Eng. Voivodeship Labour Office), Białystok
    address: ul. Pogodna 22, 15-354 Białystok (POLAND)
  12. Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy (Eng. Voivodeship Labour Office), Gdańsk
    address: ul. Podwale Przedmiejskie 30, 80-824 Gdańsk (POLAND)
  13. Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy (Eng. Voivodeship Labour Office), Katowice
    address: ul. Kościuszki 30, 40-048 Katowice (POLAND)
  14. Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy (Eng. Voivodeship Labour Office), Kielce
    address: ul. Witosa 86, 25-561 Kielce (POLAND)
  15. Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy (Eng. Voivodeship Labour Office), Olsztyn
    address: ul. Głowackiego 28, 10-448 Olsztyn (POLAND)
  16. Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy (Eng. Voivodeship Labour Office), Poznań
    address: ul. Kościelna 37, 60-537 Poznań (POLAND)
  17. Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy (Eng. Voivodeship Labour Office), Szczecin
    address: ul. Mickiewicza 41, 70-383 Szczecin (POLAND)

Axis II - Effective public policies for the labour market, economy and education

  1. Ministerstwo Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Eng. Ministry of Labour and Social Policy)
    address: ul. Nowogrodzka 1/3/5, 00‐513 Warsaw (POLAND)
  2. Ministerstwo Administracji i Cyfryzacji (Eng. Ministry of Administration and Digitisation)
    address: ul. Królewska 27, 00-060 Warsaw (POLAND)
  3. Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrów (Eng. Chancellery of the Prime Minister)
    address: Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3, 00-583 Warsaw (POLAND)
  4. Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości (Eng. Ministry of Justice)
    address: Al. Ujazdowskie 11, 00-950 Warsaw (POLAND)
  5. Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej (Eng. Ministry of National Education)
    address: Al. Jana Chrystiana Szucha 25, 00-918 Warsaw (POLAND)
  6. Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości (Eng. Polish Agency for Enterprise Development)
    address: ul. Pańska 81/83, 00-834 Warsaw (POLAND)

Axis III - Higher education for economy and development

  1. Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (Eng. National Centre for Research and Development)
    address: ul. Nowogrodzka 47a, 00-999 Warsaw (POLAND)

Axis IV - Social innovation and transnational cooperation

  1. Centrum Projektów Europejskich (Eng. Center of European Projects)
    address: ul. Domaniewska 39A, 02-672 Warsaw (POLAND)

Axis V - Support for healthcare

  1. Ministry of Health
    address: ul. Miodowa 15, 00-952 Warsaw (POLAND)